SIVPRO – Shape Inspection by Vision in PROduction

Project time: 2015 – 2016

Budget: 150 000 SEK

Funding: SIP Produktion2030

Purpose and goal

A separate report has been sent to the secretariat of Produktion 2030. The purpose of this project w as to increase the collaboration betw een the tw o project partners through collaboration on a joint specific problem. The objective w as to put together a joint publication, which also has been finalised.

Results and expected effects

The expected outcome w as that the project partners should find enough mutual interests to continue their collaboration also after the project time, which also seems to be the case.

Approach and implementation

The original plan contained more physical exchanges than actually has been performed. Of practical reasons w e have had to cut down on the number of travels and an increased amount of the collaboration have been performed through telephone and computer. We may have been a bit over-ambitious in the original plan. How ever, the collaboration has w orked out w ell despite this change.

Participating researcher(s)



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