SIVPRO – Shape Inspection by Vision in PROduction

Project time: 2014 – 2017

Budget: 7 049 994

Funding: SIP Produktion2030

Purpose and goal

The purpose of this project w as to perform an industrial demonstration of a system for automatic control of the geometry of produced components where the components are transported on a conveyor belt. This objective has not been reached. How ever, a number of technical objectives regarding the performance of the system are verified and to some extent even been surpassed. Today w e have a system that manages to control the shape of manufactured components, moving freely on a conveyor belt, w ith sufficient precision. The system manages a component frequency of 0.5 Hz.

Results and expected effects

The identified main effect once the system is installed w as a reach a 20% reduction in scrap rate. In addition w e also foresaw a significant effect on the natural variation of geometrical outcome, increased availability of process stage, decreased w ear and need of maintenance, increased control of produced items, and significantly reduced run-in times. None of these effects have been verified, which also w eren’t expected. Instead a number of technical demands have been verified that may result in the fulfilment of these effects provided the system is properly used.

Approach and implementation

This project has been a cooperation betw een three academic partners and five companies. The academic partners w ere responsible for the evaluation softw are, system integration and analysis, respectively, while the companies represented different parts of the technology. One of the companies w ere an end-user. The project w as redundant in the sense that tw o different measurement technologies w ere provided by tw o different companies. The biggest obstacle in the project turned out to be that none of the partners had a total technological concept, which lead to blocking.

Participating researcher(s)


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