LiM – Logic in Manufacturing

Project time: 2015 – 2016

Budget: 750 000 kr

Funding: SIP Produktion2030

Purpose and goal

The LiM project combines multivalent logic and numerics in an enriched language to be used in the manufacturing industry in terms of information structures and representation. Multivalence involves non-commutative quantales allow ing to consider ´what comes first, what after´ regarding e.g. the content of fault trees. Quantales also allow to see how ´function´ is a so-called tensor of ´faults´ .


Expected results and effects

LiM enables improved data collection, monitoring and analysis of data. All data is typed and can thus be included in typed/classified expressions. The terms are also multivalent, enabling decision also in the presence of uncertain data. LiM´s approach to analytics can be scaled up w ithin and across domains of industries.

Planned approach and implementation

LiM´s research approach has been iterative and interdisciplinary. Case studies have been conducted w ith LiM´s partners, and also w ith regard to a broad approach concerning the applicability in multiple industrial areas. The information model is logically and ontologically w ell founded. The BPMN based process model describes industrial area ecosystems, where the information model is integrated in BPMN´s (Business Process Modelling Notation) data elements. LiM has also developed an AIDA (Aw areness-Interest-Desire-Action) based upscale model.

Participating researcher(s)


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