DIG IN – DIGitalized well-beINg

Project time: 2015 – 2016

Budget: 473 700 kr

Funding: SIP Produktion2030

Purpose and goal

The project reached its purpose and goal since the proposed demonstrator show ed that w ell-being can be measured digitally in an easy and relevant w ay (in real-time). Well-being w as considered to be the combination of environmental data and bio data (arousal, heart rate etc) i.e. in a short-term perspective. Many possibilities w ere seen e.g. that it is flexible and can be connected to many different types of devices and can increase the aw areness of w ell-being on a w orkplace. Weaknesses w ere that it is difficult to interpret data and that personal integrity needs to be considered.

Results and expected effects

The demonstrator is mobile in its presentation which means that it in theory can be tested in industry today. More studies are how ever needed to measure individual w ell-being and to set threshold values.

Approach and implementation

The project has follow ed the suggested w ork packages. Four techniques w ere tested in 13 lab-experiments and 5 user studies. The evaluation of the devices had the follow ing criteria: relevance of data, industrial application, real-time use and general usability and resulted in picking on of the devices. The device collected several types of data, w as easy to use and w as considered reliable. The demonstrator w as presented and evaluated at a w orkshop the 20th of January.


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