Automation Småland: The Sustainable Industry of the Future 2021 – digital

A warm welcome to Automation Småland's ninth annual conference, even this year completely digital! Varmt välkommen till Automation Smålands nionde årskonferens! This year's conference will treat us to a fast-paced, innovative afternoon brimming with ideas and information concerning the future's technological solutions within production.

Automation Småland’s ninth annual conference

Online – on zoom 2 december 12.30-16.30

Welcome to the december coneference of 2021 with Automation Småland – who this year cooperate with Automation Region.

Innovativ automation! is this year’s theme. In the wake of the pandemic, global value chains are chaning rapidly to become sustainably ciruclar businessmodels, and in the center we find intensive production development. With the help of innovation, we change to adapt to the sustainable industry of the future. Innovative automation for effective manufacturing with quality and flexibility in Sweden is hotter than ever.

As is tradition, Automation Småland’s annual conference will be a fast-paced, innovative afternoon brimming with ideas and information concerning the future’s technological solutions within production. With an interactive approach, digital also this year due to the pandemic, You will be involved in creating the content of the conference! This is the meeting place for manufacturing companies, digitalisation and automation experts, machine and system builders, schools, universities and business. In short, we who together create a sustainable, competitive Swedish industry.

The program will be held via zoom. Alternatively, content from the digital scene will be sent out by presentations and videos, alternatively we will meet in smaller groups (so called “breakout sessions”). There will be a playfull competition and teamwork to jazz up the afternoon.

Last year (2020) the following companies contributed, and we will after the 8 november announce 2021 year’s speakers (the following links can be clicked):

3ButtonGroup (Front AutomationFröjd Automation och IML Technologies), Axelent EngineeringBors AutomationDatalogic,  DitwinEdström’sHordaGruppenKUKAMakerSquarePema MetallRavemaRegion Jönköpings länRISESinf, YaskawaÖstrand & Hansen.

Once again, a warm welcome!



Technological test speakers


Konferenschanel opens with pre-mingle in breakout-rooms 10 min


Digital exposition breakout rooms 15 min


Gathering in the main room




Session 1: Challenges for the future's sustainable industry and ”innovativ automation”


Session 2: Technological innovation for sustainable production


Session 3: The perspective of the customer with successful automation solutions


Session 4: Technological solutions for a sustainable future. Award ceremony in today's competition! Wrapping up.

Sign up

Sign up here.

To sign up is free, last day for signing up is Wednesday the 1 December at 12:00.

A link to the meeting will be sent out at 19:00 the 1 December to every one that has registered.
