Electrification entails a rapid change in the industry. The speed of the drivelines increases as the development goes from internal combustion engines to electric motors. It focuses on the service life of the components and thus the design and dimensioning.
With the HeatDrive project, test methodology will be developed to test and map in a controlled manner what damage occurs when the number of load cycles increases.
– Through the project, we get the conditions to answer which of the existing manufacturing concepts regarding steel selection and heat treatment best meet the increased requirements. We can then also build knowledge for continued material and process development in the industry to find even better solutions, says Albin Stormvinter, researcher and project manager at RISE.
One billion load cycles in one day
Compared to testing in a real product environment, there are conditions in a lab environment to build up results quickly and in a controlled manner. The tests use steel of different purity classes.
– We use an ultrasound-based gigabyte fatigue that allows us to ride a billion load cycles in one day. This gives us good conditions to be able to produce valuable results during the project period, says Albin.
The challenges, which arise as a result of the electrified drivelines, provide an opportunity for the Swedish metal, automotive and manufacturing industries to increase their competitiveness. HeatDrive is financed by Vinnova with RISE and Swerim as project partners. Industry partners are Scania, AB Volvo, Ovako, Epiroc Rock Drills, Swepart Transmission, SKF, LEAX and Bodycote värmebegandling. Although the participating companies come from different industries, they all have a common challenge in delivering high-performance components that meet the service life requirements that electrification entails.
Tests with gigabyte fatigue
– We work proactively with a focus on finding solutions before injuries and problems occur. It is very motivating to see commitment throughout the value chain to occur and solve new challenges, says Albin.
The project runs until the end of 2023 and in 2022 the tests will begin with gigacycle fatigue of the set hardening steel.