PM3: Vetenskaplig metodik inom produktframtagning #3

PM3: Vetenskaplig metodik inom produktframtagning #3

7.5 HP
Startdatum: 4 oktober 2021

Lärosäte: Jönköping University

Målgrupp: Doktorand

Akademi: Product Development Academy (PDA) Produktionsakademien

Senaste anmälningsdag: 20 september 2021
Platser: 2 lediga (av 16)

Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.

Målet med kursen är att ge deltagaren omfattande kunskap om olika typer av forskningsmetoder samt fördjupad kunskap när det gäller metoder relevanta för den enskilda studentens doktorandstudier.

Kursen ges på engelska.


Research methodology in product realisation is a research supportive course that aims to give students a comprehensive knowledge of various kind of research methods, and in-depth knowledge of the methods that are relevant for the individual student. The main goal of the course is to improve the competence among the participants to scientifically and systematically collect, treat, analyse and present different kinds of data required for research and inquiry projects.

Course organisation

Four physical/online meetings á 1-2 days, and tasks to be prepared before course start and between meetings.


A successful completion of this course will be judged on the following:

