Olle Vogel

Olle Vogel

Tekn. Dr.

Programansvarig för satsningar inom näringslivsinriktad utbildning på avancerad nivå och forskning

Olle Vogel is responsible for developing policies and programs for collaboration between academia and industry in advanced education and research. A significant part relating to programs for the development of Internet-based flexible training for professionals/business sector and support for the building of strong distributed research environments. Vogel also has extensive experience in research formulation and strategic management work as a member of boards and committees such as the Board of Tandemaccellaratorlaboratoriet at Uppsala University and the Committee for national research facilities.

Olle Vogel has previously worked at the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, mainly with energy issues and foresight studies. Prior to that, he worked at the former Swedish Research Council for Engineering Science, with responsibility for Engineering physics, Biotechnology, IT and disciplines overarching programs for e.g. Industrial graduate students and Medical technology. Vogel was before that a researcher at Uppsala University. His scientific work focused mainly on atomic physics and laser spectroscopy with applications in astrophysics. The teaching covered the fields of mechanics, optics, electricity/electronics and atomic physics.



For development of knowledge on issues related to the Knowledge Foundation’s activities Vogel is responsible for research-based studies.
