Martin Kurdve har en industriell bakgrund med erfarenhet främst från fordons- och förpackningsindustrin. Som industridoktorand till tekn.lic. på Lunds universitet har han forskat på product-service-systems för processkemikalier. Därefter har Martin forskat på hur man integrerar miljöledning och andra ledningsystem med leanproduktion som industridoktorand på Mälardalens högskola och Swerea IVF (RISE). Senaste åren har Martin arbetat på RISE IVF med innovationsutveckling genom aktionsforskning i Produktionslyftet och arbetat i forskningsprojekt kring cirkulära materialflöden och produktionsomställning i kris samt haft en postdoc i ”Cirkular material flows” på Chalmers Tekniska högskola i två år.
Publikationer 2016-2021:
Metal and Plastic Recycling Flows in a Circular Value Chain
S Shahbazi, P Loon, M Kurdve, M Johansson
Towards a Sustainable Future-Life Cycle Management, 195-206, 2022
Sustainability with a Cost Perspective–Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking. W Christina, M Winroth, P Almstr, M Kurdve, C Andersson
Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 10 (01), 49-72, 2022
Identifying and Evaluating Recirculation Strategies for Industry in the Nordic Countries
J Hildenbrand, J Dahlström, S Shahbazi, M Kurdve
Recycling 6 (4), 74, 2021
Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies
CG Machado, M Winroth, P Almström, AE Öberg, M Kurdve, S AlMashalah
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2021
Applying tools for end of use outlook in design for recirculation
J Hildenbrand, E Lindahl, S Shahbazi, M Kurdve
Procedia CIRP 100, 85-90, 2021
Skyddsutrustning vid Covid 19–Metodik för säker produktframtagning vid egen beredskapsproduktion, M Kurdve, Y Eriksson, K Skagert 2021
Green lean operationalisation of the circular economy concept on production shop floor level. M Kurdve, M Bellgran, Journal of Cleaner Production 278, 123223, 2021
Establishing SME–university collaboration through innovation support programmes
M Kurdve, A Bird, J Lage-Hellman, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2020
Visuell Management, smart kommunikation och design: Tavlor för visuell styrning, planering, uppföljning och i förbättringsarbetet
C Söderlund, Y Eriksson, U Florin, M Kurdve, U Harlin, Mälardalen University, 2020
Effects on logistics of increased on-site sorting, L Kjellsdotter, M Kurdve, M Johansson,
e-LRN 2020″ Sustainable and resilient supply chains during times of crises 2020
Lead-Time Effect Comparison of Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Alternatives
M Kurdve, KE Persson, M Widfeldt, J Berglund, A Drott, SPS2020, 672-679, 2020
Maturity Framework Enabling Organizational Digital Readiness
CG Machado, P Almström, AE Öberg, M Kurdve, SY Almashalah, SPS2020, 649-660, 2020
Re-engineering the waste hierarchy to manage the integration of Circular Economy in production operations, E Lindahl, M Bellgran, M Kurdve EUROMA, 2020
Considerations when modelling EV battery circularity systems,
M Kurdve, M Zackrisson, MI Johansson, B Ebin, U Harlin, Batteries 5 (2), 40, 2019
Operationalisation of the circular economy concept at the factory shop floor, M Kurdve, M Bellgran
6th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum 2019 in Gothenburg 2019
Designing visual management in manufacturing from a user perspective
M Kurdve, U Harlin, M Hallin, C Söderlund, M Berglund, U Florin, Procedia Cirp 84, 886-891, 2019
Cost driven Green Kaizen in pharmaceutical production–Creating positive engagement for environmental improvements, M Bellgran, M Kurdve, R Hanna, Procedia CIRP 81, 1219-1224, 2019
Comparing life cycle costing and performance part costing in assessing acquisition and operational cost of new manufacturing technologies,
B Kianian, M Kurdve, C Andersson, Procedia Cirp 80, 428-433, 2019
Comparison of four environmental assessment tools in Swedish manufacturing: a case study. S Shahbazi, M Kurdve, M Zackrisson, C Jönsson, AR Kristinsdottir, Sustainability 11 (7), 2173, 2019
Opportunity discovery in initiated and emergent change requests,
P Sjögren, B Fagerström, M Kurdve, T Lechler, Design Science 5, 2019
Using the Green Performance Map: towards material efficiency measurement
S Shahbazi, M Wiktorsson, M Kurdve Operations Management and Sustainability, 247-269, 2019
An early phase case of VSM and discrete event simulations M Kurdve, D Malm
Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, 4109-4110, 2018
Managing emergent changes: ad hoc teams’ praxis and practices,
P Sjögren, B Fagerström, M Kurdve, M Callavik
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2018
Production management and smart manufacturing from a systems perspective
G Carla, M Kurdve, M Winroth, D Bennett,
Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII: Proceedings of the 16th, 2018
Implementation Challenges Affecting the Environmental Improvement Performance in Pharmaceutical Production, SE Birkie, M Kurdve, M Bellgran, J Korhonen
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 2018
Material efficiency measurements in manufacturing: Swedish case studies,
S Shahbazi, C Jönsson, M Wiktorsson, M Kurdve, M Bjelkemyr,
Journal of Cleaner Production 181, 17-32, 2018
Cost and value drivers in circular material flow logistics, M Kurdve, P van Loon, M Johansson 5th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, 2018
Design for green lean building module production-Case study,
M Kurdve, J Hildenbrand, C Jönsson, Procedia Manufacturing 25, 594-601, 2018
A life cycle approach to business performance measurement systems,
A Landström, P Almström, M Winroth, C Andersson, AE Öberg, M Kurdve, et al.
Procedia Manufacturing 25, 126-133, 2018
Development of the urban and industrial symbiosis in western Mälardalen
M Kurdve, C Jönsson, AS Granzell, Procedia CIRP 73, 96-101, 2018
Digital assembly instruction system design with green lean perspective-Case study from building module industry, M Kurdve Procedia CIRP 72, 762-767, 2018
PAR experience from production innovation in Mälardalen, M Kurdve, A Bird, S Sundquist Participatory Innovation Conference 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden, 411-415, 2018
Waste flow mapping: Handbook, M Kurdve, S Shahbazi, M Wendin, C Bengtsson, M Wiktorsson, et al. Mälardalen University, 2017
Sustainable and Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems-The Handbook, P Almström, C Andersson, A Ericsson Öberg, P Hammersberg, M Kurdve, et al, 2017
Production system and material efficiency challenges for large scale introduction of complex materials, M Kurdve, F Henriksson, M Wiktorsson, P Denzler, M Zachrisson,
Advanced Materials Proceedings 2 (8), 492-499 2017
Material efficiency measurement: empirical investigation of manufacturing industry
S Shahbazi, M Salloum, M Kurdve, M Wiktorsson, Procedia Manufacturing 8, 112-120, 2017
Sustainability performance indicators at shop floor level in large manufacturing companies. M Zackrisson, M Kurdve, S Shahbazi, M Wiktorsson, M Winroth, et al.
Procedia CIRP 61, 457-462, 2017
Can social sustainability values be incorporated in a product service system for temporary public building modules? M Kurdve, H De Goey, Procedia Cirp 64, 193-198, 2017
Material efficiency in manufacturing: Swedish evidence on potential, barriers and strategies. S Shahbazi, M Wiktorsson, M Kurdve, C Jönsson, M Bjelkemyr
Journal of Cleaner Production 127, 438-450, 2016
Value stream mapping used in interaction between industry and university,
M Kurdve, A Salonen Proceedings of The 23rd EurOMA conference, 17-22, 2016
Present state analysis of business performance measurement systems in large manufacturing companies. A Landström, P Almström, M Winroth, C Andersson, C Windmark, .et al Performance Measurement and Management: New Theories for New Practices, 26-29, 2016
Production System change strategy in lightweight manufacturing
M Kurdve, P Sjögren, D Gåsvaer, M Widfeldt, M Wiktorsson Procedia CIRP 50, 160-165, 2016
Development of Robust Production Equipment: A guide to strong collaboration between users and suppliers. J Bruch, C Rösiö, M Kurdve, M Bengtsson, A Granlund, E Dahlquist, 2016
Utveckling av Robust Produktionsutrustning: En guide för god samverkan mellan beställare och leverantör J Bruch, C Rösiö, M Kurdve, M Bengtsson, A Granlund, E Dahlquist, m.fl. 2016
Machining equipment life cycle costing model with dynamic maintenance cost
M Bengtsson, M Kurdve, Procedia Cirp 48, 102-107, 2016
Implementation of daily visual management at five small and medium sized enterprises in Produktionslyftet compared to six larger Swedish companies
M Kurdve, K Persson, R Berglund, U Harlin, M Zackrisson, et al.
In proceedings of Swedish production symposium, Lund, Sweden, November 25-27. 2016
Green Lean assembly system design–comparison between a large and a small company
M Kurdve, B Langbeck, Proceedings of The 23rd EurOMA conference, Trondheim, Norway; 17th-22nd of June 2016