Studying the adoption of design- methods and tools to enhance the sustainable- design and innovation capabilites in industry.
Adam is a PhD student within product development at Chalmers University of Technology. Adams main interests lie within innovation, sustainable engineering and cars. Adam has taken two masters, within both Product development and Automotive engineering (excluding Thesis work) at Chalmers University of Technology. Adam always try to engage with passion and enthusiasm in discussions concerning product development and innovation. Adam is also volunteering within Engineers without Borders Sweden where he actively try to disseminate and exploit the insights generated in his research within sustainable design and innovation.
Manufacturing industry has problems to both effectively and efficiently act on changing legislations, market changes, and emerging technologies. Examples of these are the present transition towards a more sustainable society, and additive manufacturing respectively. Failing to effectively and efficiently to act on these could either see companies lose out to competitors or in the worst cases, dissolve. This typically calls for industrial transformations on different scales. This more specifically means that industry’s current set of engineering design- processes, methods, and tools, i.e., engineering capabilities, are not enough to act on these appropriately. There are however design- processes, methods and tools proposed by academia aimed at the early phases of the product innovation process to support in this, but they are not easily implemented. This is mainly since industrial uptake of these requires actions that are challenging established practices of the company and is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary problem.
On the other end, there is a lot of ongoing research and money being spent both nationally and internationally on how to increase manufacturing industry’s ability to act on changing legislations, market changes, and emerging technologies. Engineering design research is one specific research field that is studying this and propose new and improved engineering design- processes, methods, and tools which aim to increase. In this research project, the focus is specifically on how to manage and/or introduce these in early phases of design and/or product innovation to develop more sustianble solutions. There is however currently low industrial uptake of these developed design- processes, methods and tools, and engineering design research remains under-utilized, and Adam is investigating how this uptake can be improved.