SMART: Advanced Manufacturing

SMART: Advanced Manufacturing

Closes: 2019-11-11

SMART, EUREKA Cluster on Advanced Manufacturing, has launched its 3rd Call for Projects on 9th September 2019. SMART Call has a two-step approach, to maximize the chances for success and avoid unnecessary efforts during project set-up. The deadline for Project Outline (PO) phase is 11th November.


The PO provides a short overview of the concept, the objectives of the project and the partnership even if they are not entirely settled. This document allows early advice and feedback from the evaluation team. This step is highly recommended, but participants may submit a Full Project Proposal straightforward.

The PO is used for the pre-selection of proposals, preliminary information and budget discussions between the SMART organisation and the respective Public Authorities and for general information exchange within the SMART organisation. It enables an initial selection among the different submitted ideas, while keeping the workload of consortia to a minimum.

Partners involved in SMART projects are funded directly by their National Funding Agencies, according to national funding procedures.
SMART strongly advises project participants to contact their NPCs (National Project Coordinators) to increase the chances of a successful proposal. Funding rates, eligibility rules and national consortia for each country are also available.
