Produktion2030, Call 6, spring 2017:2

Produktion2030, Call 6, spring 2017:2

Closes: 2017-03-31 at 14:00

Test and demo for increased digitization of industrial production

Test and demo for increased digitization of industrial production

Definitions of test and demonstration projects in Produktion2030

Test and demonstration projects are generally aimed at accelerating the turnaround of new ideas and technologies into innovation and thus increased competitiveness.

Produktion2030 invests in research and innovation within the area of industrial production (or manufacturing). A core criteria in our calls for projects is collaboration between industry and research partners (universities and research institutes). Another important criteria is that all funded projects are obliged to package and disseminate results. Therefore test and demonstration projects will be used in this Produktion2030 call for proposals.

The call aims to increase the level of digitalization in Swedish production industry. Funded projects should focus on one of Produktion2030’s six areas of strength ( and the call offers funding for:
1) Test projects and
2) Demonstration projects

What is a Testbed?

A testbed is a controlled experimentation platform where technical solutions can be deployed and tested in an industrial environment or in an environment that resembles real industrial conditions. Testbeds should explore untested technologies or test new combinations of existing technologies. A testbed can exist in industry, in academic environments, or in research institutes.

A testbed can be very large (e.g. AstaZero for automotive tests) or small (e.g. a laboratory facility for materials testing). A successful testbed will:

What is a test project that can be funded by Produktion2030?

In a test project, a project consortium utilises an existing testbed (see definition above) for testing functionalities of a technology, product, process, or system. A test project should result in validation, optimization, repetitiveness, and robustness of technical solutions.

Produktion2030 funding can be used for the test project in the testbed. Produktion2030 can also fund smaller upgrades of an existing testbed environment. Produktion2030 cannot fund the development of a new testbed.

What is a demonstration project that can be funded by Produktion2030?

In a demonstration project, results are demonstrated and disseminated to stakeholders outside the consortium. Demonstrations should be utilized to achieve acceptance, use and impact of a new technology, technical solution or system development. A Produktion2030 demonstration project can be performed in any industrial relevant environment.
