Industrial PhD 2016

Closes: 2016-08-23

The Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) allocates 30 million for an investment in Industrial PhD students in 2016. Each grant within the program covers the funding for research and PhD programs for an industrial PhD candidate in collaboration with industry and academia. The grant runs for four to five years and will result in a PhD. SSF expects to award 12 projects of 2.5 million SEK (including indirect costs) in this call.

The Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) allocates 30 million for an investment in Industrial PhD students in 2016. Each grant within the program covers the funding for research and PhD programs for an industrial PhD candidate in collaboration with industry and academia. The grant runs for four to five years and will result in a PhD. SSF expects to award 12 projects of 2.5 million SEK (including indirect costs) in this call.
