P66: Multidisciplinär designoptimering i produktutveckling #05

P66: Multidisciplinär designoptimering i produktutveckling #05

3.0 HP
Startdatum: 13 maj 2024

Lärosäte: Chalmers tekniska högskola

Målgrupp: Doktorand, Industri

Akademi: Product Development Academy (PDA)

Senaste anmälningsdag: 28 april 2024
Platser: 23 lediga (av 25)

Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.

Syftet med kursen är att införa principer för multidisciplinär designoptimering (MDO). Teorin presenteras med hjälp av exempel i praktiken för att ge kursdeltagare möjlighet att tillämpa den i sin egen verksamhet.

Kursen ges på engelska.

Intended learning outcomes

After completion of the course the course participant should be familiar with:

Course content

The course address the following topics:


The course is given 13th-15th of May at Chalmers Johanneberg (Göteborg). Final presentation of home assignment online 27th of May (preliminary date).


Dr. Michael Kokkolaras is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the founding director of the Systems Optimization Laboratory at McGill University. He is currently serving as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs at the Faculty of Engineering. Dr. Kokkolaras is a full member of the Quebec-funded strategic cluster ”Group for Research in Decision Analysis”  and Visiting Professor at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science (Division of Product Development) of Chalmers University of Technology.  Dr. Kokkolaras is a Fellow of the ASME, an Associate Fellow of the AIAA (serving on its Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Technical Committee), and elected member of the Advisory Board of the Design Society; he is a recipient of the ASME Design Automation Award and the UM College of Engineering Outstanding Research Scientist Award.

He has served as Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Springer), and Optimization and Engineering (Springer); he is currently serving as Publications Chair of the ASME Design Engineering Division, on the Advisory Board of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, and as Associate Editor of Aerospace (MDPI). Finally, Dr. Kokkolaras has previously served as Chair of the Design Automation Executive Committee of the ASME Design Engineering Division, Program and Conference Chair of the ASME Design Automation Conference, and Program Co-Chair of the International Conference on Engineering Design

Course fee

The course is free of charge for members of Produktion2030 graduate school. Cost for other participants is 2 000 SEK ex. vat.

Fee for late drop-out

This course is included in the Produktion2030 program, and it is therefore free of charge for PhD student members of Graduate School Produktion2030. However, in case of drop-out later than 3 weeks before course start, a fee of 1 000 SEK per course credit will be charged the student’s home institution.


