MD3S – Modelldriven produktutveckling och beslutsstöd +
Digitalt beslutsstöd för utveckling av morgondagens hållbara produkt/tjänstelösningar.
2019 – 2022

Research Focus: Fostering Digital Product Development through Model-based engineering
Sravan Tatipala (ST) is a researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden. ST’s research interests lie in the intersection of digital product development and manufacturing processes with a focus on data and simulation driven approaches. More specifically, the research develops methods, tools, and approaches for supporting the conceptual design of solutions based on digital flow of information from different stages of the product lifecycle. In this context, concepts such as Generative Design, data- and simulation-driven design, digital Twin, digital thread, design automation and Industry 4.0 are relevant.
ST earned his Masters Degree at BTH, in 2016, followed by a Licentiate degree at BTH in 2019 and is currently conducting his PhD education within the research profile Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S)
ST is actively involved in engineering education, teaching courses both at advanced and undergraduate level at BTH. ST believes that it is very important to stimulate the student’s ability to reflect on problems from both a theoretical and a real-life engineering perspective and is a strong supporter of the “learning by doing”. Additionally, ST loves sports, adventures, and music.
Digitalt beslutsstöd för utveckling av morgondagens hållbara produkt/tjänstelösningar.
2019 – 2022
Digitalt beslutsstöd för utveckling av morgondagens hållbara produkt/tjänstelösningar
2013 – 2019