Andreas Archenti


Lärosäte/Institut: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Precision engineering and metrology, Industrial dependability

Professor Archenti´s research area is primarily concentrated in the disciplines related to precision engineering applied in manufacturing. Precision here refers to the dimensional and geometric characteristics as well as surface characteristics of manufactured products. It concerns the ability to make and measure the key features on the parts and also to measure and act upon key process-machine characteristics (capability), those that directly impact the part quality. Fundamental concept in his research activity and present research in precision engineering and metrology covers the following focus areas:

Focus area 1 – Production equipment: design and build of ultra-precision machine systems;
Focus area 2 – Production processes: ultra/nano-precision manufacturing;
Focus area 3 – Produced parts: dimensional, geometric characteristics and surface finish, through the entire life cycle, from design to the recycle;
Focus area 4 – Industrial metrology: characterization of metrology systems, instruments and techniques

Research focus:

Professor Archenti is also the director of center for Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems – DMMS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, with responsability to coordinate activities in Research, Education and Information decimination between academy and industry.

