Stänger: 2021-06-01 kl 17:00
TRINITY second Open Call now live! Apply by 01 June 2021. Get up to €200,000 in funding to improve agility and productivity of your manufacturing SME!
Are you planning to increase your production capabilities by improving the agility of your production process? We have the solution for you: our open call will allow you to apply advanced robotic technologies together with new digital and cyber-secure solutions.
The second TRINITY call for application experiments offers you the opportunity to get financial and technical support to test the solutions developed by the TRINITY partners or your own novel solutions for a maximum duration of 10 months.
SME led transnational consortia of 2-3 partners will be able to get technical support and funding from TRINITY up to €200,000 (maximum funding rate 70%) for demonstrations using robotics, IoT and cybersecurity solutions with the specific aim of encouraging agile production in European companies.
The call will close on 01 June 2021 and we are planning to held supportive webinars to explain how the application process works and matchmaking events to find the right partner for you!
All information and FAQs can be found in our website.
Check the map for the proposals funded in the first TRINITY Open Call.
Follow us on our channels and subscribe to our newsletter to be constantly updated on all our open call related activities and get ready to present a competitive proposal!