EIT Manufacturing is looking for projects and organisations ready to transform the European manufacturing and meet the global demands of present and future generations.
In the context of this call – and selected activities will be part of the Business Plan 2023-2025 – we are looking for:
Proposals for innovation activities in the areas of:
- Automation for human-centred factories
- Smart technologies for circular and green manufacturing
- Innovative solutions addressing industrial challenges caused by global crises
Proposals for education activities in the areas of:
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Skills for Manufacturing (skill-driven learning): Complete digital learning program to support learners to develop the competencies for transforming innovations into products and services in the manufacturing sector
- Circular Manufacturing (skill-driven learning): Didactic game for creating awareness and develop basic skills in Circular Economy and sustainability in manufacturing shopfloor workers.
- Skills for EIT Manufacturing thematics (skill-driven learning): Upskilling and reskilling of current workforce in the manufacturing sector by supporting leaners in the development of the needed technical skills.
- Summer School for EIT Manufacturing Master School programmes and Doctoral School annual programme 2023 (pioneering learning journeys): innovative added value modules for EIT Labelled programs.
Proposals for Business Creation are meant to pilot the establishment of a manufacturing startup pre-acceleration programme through the coordination of five pre-selected virtual incubation activities toward building the strongest Virtual Industry 4.0 Incubator.