Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck
Professor Produktinnovation
7.5 HP
14 januari 2021
Lärosäte: Jönköping University, Luleå tekniska universitet
Målgrupp: Doktorand
Akademi: Product Development Academy (PDA) Produktionsakademien
Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.
Målet med kursen är att vägleda deltagare genom journalpubliceringsprocessen med en egen artikel.
Kursen ges på engelska. Bekräftelse av preliminär anmälan nu (lista på preliminärt anmälda är fulltecknad, nytillkomna kan anmäla till reserv-lista).
Target group
Junior academic researchers (PhD students) with the ambition to publish in major academic journals, to support doctoral studies in the production, innovation and/or industrial engineering and management areas, and Senior researchers (PhD supervisors) to benefit from discussions about journal publications in these areas.
The course fee is SEK12 500 (excl VAT) per participant. Literature and case materials are included. Refreshments (coffee, tea) are included. Travel expenses are not included (paid by each participant). The course is included in the Produktion2030 program. It is therefore free of charge for PhD students in the Graduate School Production2030, if passed. Otherwise the fee, SEK 12 500, is charged to the participant’s home institution (for course drop-out or non-pass).
The aim of the course is to guide participants through the journal publication process with their own contribution.
The course will have three face to face meetings of 2-3 days each, and builds on participants’ own reading/writing assignments in-between the meetings.
14 januari 2021 - 15 januari 2021
2 days' workshop (lectures and work with own paper)
10 maj 2021 - 12 maj 2021
(dates prel: May) 3 days' workshop (lectures and work with own paper)
prel Linköping (prel)
30 augusti 2021 - 31 augusti 2021
(dates prel: August) 2 days' workshop (lectures and work with own paper)
prel Gothenburg