Bengt-Göran Rosén
2.0 HP
18 november 2024
Lärosäte: Högskolan i Halmstad
Målgrupp: Industri, Doktorand
Akademi: Produktionsakademien
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Datum enligt överenskommelse med kursgivaren efter registrering. Kursen är ett första steg mot att berätta om din forskning så icke experter blir intresserade...
Datum enligt överenskommelse med kursgivaren efter registrering.
Att kunna kommunicera sin forskning till icke experter är nödvändigt i en mängd situationer, bland annat för att framgångsrikt kunna söka finansiering eller samarbetspartners, att undervisa eller informera beslutsfattare.
Vi använder intervjun som utgångspunkt för att lära och träna kursdeltagarna att på ett effektivt sätt väcka intresse och förmedla kunskaper om sin forskning.
Kursen ges online vid två olika tillfällen, med några dagars mellanrum och med en deltagare per session. Mellan kursdagarna ska deltagaren arbeta med att förbättra sin kommunikation från dag ett. Efter din anmälan görs överenskommelse med kursledaren om tid.
Utbildningen är individuell. Boka personligt kurstillfälle då det passar dig genom att skicka ett mail till
Kursen ges på svenska eller engelska.
The course is individual and will be given according to agreements with registered participants and the course provider (
When you have registered your interest to the course you will be contacted by the course provider.
Communication is important
This is an eye opener for those who knows very little or nothing about research communication.
It is both necessary and important for researchers in academia and industry to know how to explain complicated research to non-experts. We use interviews to teach you how to communicate with for example financiers, collaborating partners, decision makers or in an interview in media to the general public (the taxpayers) or politicians.
No previous knowledge or experience is required to attend.
Graduate students and industry are offered a fundamental course in how to communicate research.
You will get advice and training how to interact and how to present R&D to non-experts. We use camera and interviews to test your skills. You will get a toolbox with concrete tips and advices on how to be well prepared for efficient communication, also very useful for lecturers. Our aim is that the participants should get a good knowledge about how to prepare a presentation or an interview. We practice your skills by using camera and interviews, so you know how to handle this situation. You will also have to write an approved, short (10-12 lines), kind of press release.
This is a two half day course. The idea is that the participants, between day one and two, have time to prepare and improve their communication in their interview. You will get tools and theory about how to create messages and how to work with communication strategy. You will also get tools to know how to avoid getting cornered by tricky questions.
As a preparation the participants must write 10-12 lines to the course leader about their research (as a press release) to weeks before the media training.
As an examination the participants will write an approved press release about their research and perform an approved interview.