Ola Isaksson
Professor Produktutveckling
3.0 HP
18 januari 2022
Lärosäte: Chalmers tekniska högskola
Målgrupp: Doktorand, Industri
Akademi: Product Development Academy (PDA)
Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.
Syftet med kursen är att införa principer för multidisciplinär designoptimering (MDO). Teorin presenteras med hjälp av exempel i praktiken för att ge kursdeltagare möjlighet att tillämpa den i sin egen verksamhet.
Kursen ges på engelska.
Intended learning outcomes
After completion of the course the course participant should be familiar with:
Course content
The course address the following topics:
The course is given 18th – 21st of January (online via Zoom) , with lectures concentrated to the afternoon. Michael Kokkolaras will send out the course syllabus in the middle of week 2.
The course is led by Dr. Michael Kokkolaras, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University, Associate Director of the McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering (MIAE), and Full Member of the FRQNT-funded multi-university Group for Research in Decision Analysis. He joined McGill in 2012 after spending 12 years at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where he held research faculty appointments in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the UM Transportation Research Institute. He has a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of Munich and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University. His research interests include multidisciplinary optimization and computational engineering design of systems-of-systems, product-service systems, and platform-based product families with application to transportation, energy and healthcare engineering. He has co-authored 62 articles in refereed journals, 64 papers in conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters, and has given more than 40 invited talks at academic, industry and government seminars and workshops.
He served as Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design from 2008 to 2014 and the Optimization and Engineering journal (Springer) from 2013 to 2018. He is currently Associate Editor of the Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization journal (Springer). He is an ASME Fellow and has served as Chair of its Design Automation Executive Committee (Design Engineering Division). He is also Associate Fellow of the AIAA, serving on its Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Technical Committee since 2006.
Course fee
The course is free of charge for members of Produktion2030 graduate school. Cost for other participants is 2 000 SEK ex. vat.