Anna Syberfeldt
Professor i Produktionsteknik
Kursen syftar till att ge kunskaper kring hur virtuella verktyg kan användas för att realisera industriellt människa-robot samarbete. Kursen syftar också till att ge deltagarna kunskaper kring hur människa-robot samarbete kan utvecklas, med hänsyn till kritiska aspekter såsom effektivitet, säkerhet och ergonomi.
Kursen ges på engelska.
Intended learning outcomes
After completion of the course the course participant should be able to:
Course content
In the course, the students will work both with virtual tools and with physical equipment. The lab tasks in the course will challenge the students to set up application scenarios in a virtual environment, including problem identification, design of solutions and evaluation of the scenarios. To some extent, the students will also implement their solutions in a practical lab environment in order to realize the potential of a virtual development approach. State-of-the-art research within the field of human-robot-collaboration will also be presented and discussed in the course.
It is necessary to understand spoken Swedish to participate in the course, but you don’t have to be able to speak or write in Swedish.
Course organisation
Four physical meetings, each two subsequent days. Participation in the meetings is mandatory, but occasional absence can be compensated for. In 2020, the course is held the following dates: the following dates: 20-21/2, 5-6/3, 19-20/3 and 2-3/4. The course is held at ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde.
A successful completion of this course will be judged on the following:
Relevant study material will be handed out during the course.
20 februari 2020 - 21 februari 2020
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde
5 mars 2020 - 6 mars 2020
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde
19 mars 2020 - 20 mars 2020
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde
2 april 2020 - 3 april 2020
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde