P43: Störningsanalys i tillverkningssystem #4

P43: Störningsanalys i tillverkningssystem #4

9.0 HP
Startdatum: 15 september 2022

Lärosäte: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Målgrupp: Doktorand

Akademi: Produktionsakademien

Senaste anmälningsdag: 1 september 2022
Platser: 21 lediga (av 25)

Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.

Målet med kursen är att erbjuda avancerad kunskap och praktisk erfarenhet av störningar och variationanalys i tillverkningssystem. Kursen omfattar avancerade metoder i processkontroll, grundorsakanalys, modellering och konsekvensbedömningar av störningar och variationer.

Kursen ges på engelska.


There are no prerequisite courses to take the course for production and industrial engineering post grad students. Prior knowledge in probability and statistics and use of computational tools is an advantage.


The course aims to provide advanced knowledge and hands-on experience in disturbances and variation analysis in manufacturing systems. The scope of the course includes advanced methods in process control, root cause analysis, modeling and impact evaluations of disturbances and variations.


The course is divided in the following four modules:

Module 1. Disturbances and impact analysis.
Module 2. Manufacturing variations and propagations.
Module 3. Process Control and variation source identification.
Module 4. Presentations, demonstrations and course round-up.

Each module consists of a lecture, home-take-task and presentation sessions. Lectures and presentations on specific module are to be made during the contact days while home-take-tasks are to be made between these contact days. 


