Jan-Eric Ståhl
7.5 HP
17 januari 2022
Lärosäte: Lunds universitet
Målgrupp: Industri, Doktorand
Sista anmälningsdagen är redan passerad.
Kursen riktar sig till professionella och doktorander som vill fördjupa sin kunskap om bearbetningsprocesser. Med en bättre förståelse för modern maskinbearbetning kommer deltagarna att vara bättre lämpade att både implementera och bidra till den fortsatta utvecklingen inom området bearbetningsprocesser.
Kursen ges på engelska.
Through better understanding of today’s forefront of machining research the participants will be better suited to both implement and contribute to the continued development of the field of machining processes.
Course content
Analysis of production and production development of machining systems based on KPI numbers. Basic principles of metal cutting. Mechanical analysis and modelling, cutting resistance, load functions and variation numbers. Cutting force measurement and development of equipment for cutting force measurements. Thermal analysis and modelling. Stress analysis of cutting tools. Tribological analysis of surfaces in contact and contact relations in the cutting process. Archards modified wear equation and Colding equation. Mechanics of chip generation and process dynamics and segment formation. Vibrations and instability as well as process damping. Micro geometries and its influence on cutting process with respect to vibrations and mode-locking. Tool properties for different application areas. Tool material and tool deterioration regarding cracking, chipping, breakage and deformation. New potential high-performance cutting materials are processed in connection with the future challenges in metal cutting are discussed. Micro- and macroeconomic models for evaluation and simulation of the cost outcomes.
Fee for late drop-out
This course is included in the Produktion2030 program, and it is therefore free of charge for PhD student members of Graduate School Produktion2030. However, in case of drop-out later than 3 weeks before course start, a fee of 1 000 SEK per course credit will be charged the student’s home institution.