Sustainable Manufacturing in Sweden

Sustainable Manufacturing in Sweden


Sustainability and long-term competitiveness in Swedish industry is the vision of the strategic innovation programme Produktion2030. We have now analysed all projects that were funded by Produktion2030 in relation to sustainability. The results are strong and this report describes how the projects have succeeded in addressing sustainability and the green transition.

People from the projects have answered questions regarding aspects of sustainability and contributions to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As expected, the largest contribution was made to “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure” (SDG 9 ) followed by “Responsible Consumption and Production” (SDG 12), “Decent Work and Economic Growth” (SDG 8) and “Quality Education” (SDG 4). The analysis was performed by experts at Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University and RISE in cooperation with the project managers that have responded to the survey.
