On February 6, it became clear that 23 project will receive funding to prepare applications to become programme in the new initiative Impact innovation. The projects now have until autumn to develop program ideas and connect key actors.
The Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova have been commissioned by the government to design and launch the next generation of strategic innovation programmes. Within the investment, which goes by the name Impact innovation, up to five actor-driven programme are to be formed and started up in the first quarter of 2024.
The programs must be aimed at one or more overall societal challenges and require cooperation between a broad constellation of actors.
As part of the process of designing powerful programme, 23 so-called preparatory projects are now receiving support to develop program ideas together with other key players who can drive change.
– This the offer has generated a lot of interest and the competition has been fierce with 98 applications received. Many of the initiatives that we have not been able to finance are still highly relevant and we welcome that the applicant who have been rejected continue to get involved in the investment and link up with other initiatives before proposal for the program call, says Karolina Winbo, project manager for Impact innovation.
We welcome that those applicant who have been rejected but have high relevance continue to get involved and apply.
The offer for funding to develop programme within Impact innovation opens on March 7, 2023, and at the same time also starts a mobilization process aimed at all actors who plan to apply. The purpose of the mobilization process is to set the framework for what is expected of the prospective programs and to provide opportunities to develop program ideas and actor networks.
All preparatory projects are expected to be included in the mobilization process which will be open to those interested in applying in the call for proposals, regardless of whether they have been granted preparatory project support or not.